[政 治]
a bimonthly
number 6 2013
putin and russian history textbook issue (zhang shengfa)
national question:one of the reasons of collapse of the soviet union (han kedi)
the role of mass media in russian political life (jin huixin)
russian legislation concept of terrorism (xu guimin)
putin's economic view (zhao chuanjun)
the eurasian union and economic development of the far east (yu xiaoqin)
croatia's accession to the eu and its implication to the western balkan countries (zuo ya)
east or west:review of belarus's foreign policy (2008-2012) (han lu)
russia's balance strategy in asian-pacific region in the early years of the 21st century (wang haibin)
dispute settlement of maritime demarcation between russia and baltic neighbors (kuang zengjun & jiang zhongliang)
seminar on “russian innovation strategies and policies” (han shuang & xu poling)
book review: the ruble credit crisis and the crisis of the soviet union (heng zi)
differentiation of russia's political elite (david lane)
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